Barbara Windtner
Writer*Director*Dance Teacher
Keana, Coco und ihre Freund*innen leben auf einer Insel im Südpazifik und gehen jeden Tag surfen. Eines Tages finden sich inmitten eines Strudels von Plastikmüll, der direkt auf ihr Lieblingsriff zutreibt, wo Meeresschildkröten, Krabben und Haie leben. Um das Unglück abzuwenden, wollen die Kinder und Meerestiere mit einem Fischernetz den Müll an Land ziehen. Die Plastikflaschen und Lollipopstäbchen sind aber widerspenstig: Sie wollen im Museum stehen und nicht wieder entsorgt werden.
Wird das Vorhaben klappen und was können die Kinder und ihre Eltern tun, damit weniger Müll im Meer landet?
LÄNGE: ca. 50 Min.
BUCH: Barbara Windtner und die Kinder der 4b & 4c
REGIE, PRODUKTION: Barbara Windtner
CO-REGIE: Marion Rubant, Katharina Komarek
CHOREOGRAFIE: Barbara Windtner, Nadine Valenta
BÜHNENBILD, KOSTÜM: Max, Ivo, Sema, Ekaterina, 4b, 4c
GESANGSTEAM: Helmut, Benjamin
BESETZUNG: Kinder der 4b & 4c
TECHNISCHER SUPPORT: Fiona Hauser, Natalie, Stefan
GEFÖRDERT VON: Kids in Motion, Kultur : Bildung, Elternverein und Eltern der 4b & 4c Klasse
Pluto is wandering alone in space. For several years he is not part of the planets of the solar system anymore. People from earth are calling him dwarf planet now – just because he is too small to clean his orbit from other objects – cheek! But then he meets other dwarf planets and already feels less lonely. Together with the stars they go on a self finding trip searching for Pluto´s strengths. Their intergalactical adventure leads them to Jupiter and Mars and finally they event meet the sun who, like all the others, believes: True size lies within ourselves and what were are making out of it. So, will Pluto find his true talent on this journey?
DURATION: about 40 minutes
WRITER, DIRECTOR: Barbara Windtner
PRODUCERS: Barbara Windtner, Zilfi Yilmaz
CHOREOGRAPHY: Barbara Windtner, Nadine Valenta
TEACHER TEAM: Barbara Windtner, Zilfinaz Yilmaz, Benjamin Marazeck-Skof, Nadine Valenta
CAST: 3b - GTVS Wagramer Straße, Barbara Windtner, Zilfinaz Yilmaz, Benjamin Marazeck-Skof, Nadine Valenta
PREMIERE: December 2022 in GTVS Wagramer Straße 27, 1220 Vienna
FUNDED BY: Kultur:Bildung, Verein World in Motion, Elternverein & Eltern der 3b
Karla Chameleon is moving with her parents and siblings Kurt and Kevin from Turkey to South Africa. Adaptation it their big strength, so they should not encounter any difficulties in the new place. However, things turn out differently when the chameleon kids do their first excursion in the jungle: Every animal they meet wants them to adapt - but only to them and no one else. Karla however wants to stay true to her own ever changing nature. The monkeys who are as free in spirit have an idea: The chameleons could teach the eagles and cheetahs the art of changing! Maybe then Karla, Kurt and Kevin will be accepted in the jungle?
CAST: 4b - GTVS Wagramer Straße
TEACHER TEAM: Barbara Windtner, Denisa Jozepovicova, Karin Schorm, Lena Marinova, Helmut Kehldorfer
DURATION: about 40 minutes